• This is a brand new forum and still very much in development. If you experience something that isn't quite right or if you have suggestions for things that could be better, please let us know in the Site Discussion & Help forum!

About Us

Photo of Shane and his family

My name is Shane. In 2011 I walked into an LFS near my house just to kill some time and was blown away. I had always loved seeing those things in large public aquariums. I had no idea I could take them home! I was hooked.

I started with an old 5g tank that we had used for hermit crabs and things quickly escalated from there. A 12g Mr Aqua led to a 90g with a custom stand and canopy, and then another small tank by my desk to continue to scratch the itch. The maintenance on the 90g eventually wore me down, but I quickly replaced it with a 30g rimless from Deep Blue.

Now it's finally time to combine my passion with my day job.

I started building websites in 1995 right out of college. In 1999, I started my first online business. In 2001, we had our first seven-figure year. I started a new business in 2005, and sold it to a public company in 2008 for seven figures. In 2015, I did it again.

I don't want to take anything away from Reef2Reef, but my sense is that there's plenty of space for us both. Let's find out!

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